点击数:2,233 次Date日期: Jan. 13th, 2012 2012年1月13日 9:00 – 17:00
Location地点:Beijing 北京
Hotel 酒店: Pullman Beijing South 北京兴基铂尔曼饭店
Organizer主办机构: 1MFG & TXM 制慧网 & 泰谋
Cost/费用: 800 RMB/person 800元/人 Simple lunch + coffee break 简易午餐 + 茶歇
A Specialised Lean Workshop for leaders in food and pharmaceutical manufacturing and suppliers such as packaging, chemicals and ingredients.
Process Manufacturers in a GMP environment, including pharmaceutical and foods manufacturers, face unique challenges. They require the automotive industry lean mindset to be adapted to highly regulated manufacturing, where hygiene controls and process certification requirements provide practical barriers to implementing change. Achieving lean outcomes such as reducing set up time, increasing OEE, and engaging people required specialised approaches. This workshop is specifically aimed at helping manufacturers working in a GMP environment to plan and implement change through lean.
Learning Objectives 学习目标
•Lean principles and how they are relevant to pharmaceutical and foods manufacturing.
•Engaging people in a pharmaceutical and foods manufacturing environment
•Steps to implement lean in a pharmaceutical and foods manufacturing environment.
•Pharmaceutical manufacturing lean case studies.
•Foods manufacturing lean case studies
Workshop Presenter 研习会主持
Anthony Clyne
安东尼 克莱茵
TXM Principal Consultant
With a deep understanding of lean principles developed in the Automotive industry, Anthony has gone on to achieve considerable success applying lean in the food,beverage and pharmaceutical industries. Anthony’s lean pharmaceutical and food experience covers a huge range of food and pharmaceutical processes including tablet manufacturing, tablet packing, baking, confectionery, winemaking, fresh vegetable processing, beverage manufacturing, dairy processing, coffee processing and sauce and condiment manufacturing.
Anthony has a practical approach based on a belief that adults “learn by doing” and that this approach leads to lasting results and learning. Anthony has worked with highly respected food and pharmaceutical companies including AstraZeneca, Wrigley, McDonalds, Cerebos, Campbells and more.
报名 Registration:
Please download the Registration form as below