点击数:1,927 次Date 日期:March 6, 2014 2014年3月6日 13:30 – 17:30
Location 地点: Shanghai 上海
Hotel 酒店: Sofitel Shanghai Hyland Hotel 索菲特上海海仑酒店
Language 语言: Bilingual 中英双语
Organizer 主办机构: TXM IMC Powers 泰谋 艾玫
Cost 报名费: 200 RMB/person 200元/人 coffee break 下午茶歇
The Automotive Supply Chain is the most demanding in the world. For China to reach its potential as a global automotive superpower, every partner in the Chinese automotive supply chain needs to reach global standards of lead time, productivity, delivery and quality. This is especially important with Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers trying to cope with the demands of Chinese assembly plants and global customers such as 25ppm defect rates and just in time or sequenced in line supply.Around the world, the Automotive industry has used Lean Thinking to achieve these standards. In fact it is almost impossible for Automotive suppliers to meet the quality and deliver needs of their customers without effectively implementing Lean techniques.
汽车供应链在世界上是要求最高的,作为全球汽车超级大国,中国如果想要充分发挥自己的潜力,每一个中国汽车制造商都需要在交付周期、生产力、配送以及质量达到全球水平。这对于试图解决中国组装工厂和全球客户需求(比如PPM 25不良率,准时生产或上线补给)的一级、二级、三级供应商来说尤为重要。在全球范围内,汽车行业已经开始使用精益思想来达到这些标准。但实际上汽车供应商想要达到客户对于质量、交付的要求,如果不有效实施精益,几乎是不可能做到的。
Lean in the Automotive Supply chain is an interactive half day workshop that will discuss the challenges in the Chinese Automotive supply chain and how Lean Thinking can been used to overcome these challenges.
You will Learn About 你将学习到:
– Value Stream Mapping the Extended Supply Chain to reduce lead time and waste.
– Developing suppliers to achieve outstanding performance– bridging the gap between the demands of your customers and the performance of your suppliers.
– Changing the quality paradigm from inspection to quality at the source.
– Over coming barriers to change in your business and your suppliers.
– Developing win-win relationships with your suppliers using Lean thinking.
– Integrating in the global supply chain – reducing your export lead time.
The workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to share experiences as well as to learn and will include a combination of lecture and small group discussion and reflection
TIM MCLEAN(提姆·麦克林)
-TXM Lean Solutions management director泰谋精益方案管理总监
Tim McLean has 25 years manufacturing experience and leads a team of Lean experts trained at Ford, Autoliv and Toyota. Tim leads operations at tier 2 and tier 1 automotive suppliers PPG and Hoechst in the coatings and plastics industries. Tim has also has a wealth of experience working with small and medium sized automotive suppliers to improve their quality anddelivery to Automotive Assembly plants using Lean. Tim’s company TXM, also has a decade of experience working with supply chains in China and a unique insight in to both the needs of the global automotive supply chain and the realities of Chinese manufacturing.
联系人:徐黛娜 邮箱:dina.xu@txm.com.au
Please download the Registration form as below
Lean Workshop in Shanghai March6 form